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State Level Structure

Since National Service Scheme is jointly sponsored by the Government of India and the State Government, active participation of the State Government is essential for the proper growth and development of NSS Programme in the State. To achieve this aim, the following administrative structure is envisaged at State level, consisting of the state Liaison Cell and State Advisory Committees.

State NSS Cell

At the State level, there will be a state Nss Cell headed by the State NSS Officer (SNO). The Government of India extends cent percent financial assistance for establishing the State NSS Cell.

Functions of the State NSS Cell

The main functions of the State NSS Cell are:

To ensure that budgetary provisions are made for NSS programmes in the State budget;

Timely allocation of NSS strength to respective Universities in the State.

Timely release of grants to Universities and colleges/+2 councils.

Submission of accounts, statements and programme reports to the
government of India.

Convening of meetings of State Nss Advisory Committee from time to time.

Monitoring of the programme through Universities/+2 councils in
consultation with NSS Regional Centre.

Coordinating with development agencies and departments for NSS
programme development in the State.

State NSS Officer

The State Liaison Officer will be the head of the State NSS Cell which is set up in the State Secretariat. The State NSS Officer will be looking after the functions of the Cell as stated above and to get all matters expedited and take follow-up action at appropriate levels in the State for effective implementation
of NSS.

Selection of the State NSS Officer

The State NSS Officer will be selected as per the procedure laid down as under:-
a) The information about the post will be circulated among Universities and colleges and application will be invited.
b) Interview will be conducted by the Selection Committee constituted for this purpose.
c)  The committee will recommend the name of suitable candidates for the appointment as State Liaison Officer.

Composition of Selection Committee

a)Secretary of Nodal Department dealing with NSS  ( Chairperson )
b)The Commissioner/Director of Higher Education & Youth Affairs ( Member)
c)The nominee of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, New Delhi (Member)

Qualifications for the post of State Liaison Officer

a)He/she should have served as Programme Coordinator in the University or Programme Officer in a college at least for four years continuously.
b)He/she should possess the academic qualifications for being appointed as State Liaison Officer as prescribed by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India.
c)He/she should have interest in Youth work in particular and social work in general.

Functions of State NSS Officer

a) The State Liaison Officer will ensure that sufficient budgetary provisions are made well in advance in the budget of the State government as per the financial pattern every year so that necessary funds are available from the States for the implementation of NSS programme.

b) He/she will ensure that the NSS grants are released in time to the Universities/+2 stage. He/she will further ensure that the Universities/+2 stage release the grants to the colleges and schools in time.

c)  He/she will further ensure that the grants are utilized by the Universities/+2 stage as per the administrative and policy directives of the Government of India.
d) He/she will further ensure that the grants are utilized for NSS activities without any diversion. In case of misuse of NSS funds, he/she will also conduct necessary investigation and submit report to the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India, New Delhi along with his/her recommendations.

e)  He/she will ensure that the Universities/+2 councils maintain separate accounts in respect of NSS grants and submit the accounts duly audited to the State Government in time. He/she will further ensure that consolidated accounts of the grants released to the State Government duly audited along with the utilization Certificates are sent to the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, New Deli in time. This will enable the Ministry to release further grants in time.

f)   The State NSS Officer will ensure that the NSS volunteers strength allocated by the Government of India is further re-allocated to the Universities and +2 councils in time. In consultation with NSS Regional Centre he will also assess the demand of NSS strength by the various Universities/+2 councils in the light of the performance of the Universities/+2 councils during the last year. He/she will also issue the necessary office orders regarding allocation of NSS strength by 30th May every year.

g)  He/she will ensure the convening of the meeting of the State NSS Advisory Committee periodically as prescribed by the Ministry. The State Advisory Committe should meet twice a year. In the absence of the meeting of the State Advisory Committee, he/she will ensure that the State NSS Coordination Committee meets to review the progress of NSS programme during the year.

h)  He/she will ensure the Inter-Departmental coordination of the various State Government Departments relating to NSS Activities. He/she will further ensure that close coordination is maintained between the Programme Coordinators and TOCs/TORCs. He/she will convene the meeting for planning, review and evaluation of NSS activities in the State by inviting Heads of the office of NSS Regional Centre, Programme Officers, Programme Coordinators of the Universities/+2 stage and TOC/TORCs. He/she in turn will give feed back to the Programme Adviser.

i)   He/she would also ensure that the Programme Coordinators in the Universities/+2 councils are appointed by the Universities in time as per the terms, conditions and procedure laid down by the Government of India and no post of Programme Coordinator remains vacant for a long time in any university.

j)   He/she will ensure that the Programme Officers for NSS units in the colleges/+2 schools are selected as per terms, conditions and procedure laid down by the Ministry. He/she will also ensure that the teachers selected as Programme Officers are relieved by the Institutions for their training and orientation, organized by TOC/TORC from time to time.

k)  He/she will ensure the proper coordination in the State level/Inter-University programmes like Workshop, Conferences, State Youth Awards, Pre-camp training of the State contingent of the volunteers selected for national events etc.

l)   He/she will process and evaluate the reports received from the various Universities/+2 level of the NSS activities. He/she will ensure the submission of data and periodical reports to the Programme Adviser regarding regular activities

m) He/she will also bring out suitable NSS literature periodically, and publish Annual Reports of NSS activities, conducted in his/her State.

n)  He/she will make visits to the Universities, colleges, schools to assess the implementation of NSS programme, not exceeding 15 days in a quarter.

University Level

The National Service Scheme covers students at the level of higher education. Thus the administrative structures of the higher education have the responsibility of looking after NSS and its implementation at college/school/universities level. The successful functioning of NSS Cell at University level will give impetus for proper implementation of NSS in the Unit level.

NSS University Cell

Every University should have an NSS Cell to supervise and coordinate NSS Programmes in colleges affiliated to it.

The Universities having strength of more than 10,000 NSS volunteers should have full time programme coordinators. The Universities having strength of less than 10,000 NSS volunteers may have part time programme coordinators.

NSS being an academic extension programme the University will provide necessary infrastructure and other facilities like telephone, office and office equipment and secretarial assistance for the smooth functioning of the cell.

The Cell will function under the Vice – chancellor. The Programme Coordinator, NSS will be in charge of the Cell and the main executive functionary.

Composition of Selection Committee

The selection of the Programme Coordinator will be made by the Selection Committee as per the following procedure:

The vacancy of the post will be advertised in local and National dailies.

The suitable candidates will be interviewed by the Committee. At least 5 persons should be short listed for interview.

The candidate will be selected by the Committee constituted for this purpose.

Selection of the Programme Coordinator

a) Vice Chancellor/Head of Institution ( Chairperson )
b) Secretary of the Department dealing with NSS/ - his/her nominee  (Member )
c) Head of NSS Regional Centre not below the rank of DY. Programme Adviser/Asst. Programme Adviser  ( Member )
d) Registrar of the University ( Member Secretary )

Qualifications of the Programme Coordinator

a)    Reader/Senior lecturer in the University or affiliated college.
b)    Principal of affiliated college having the status of Reader with NSS background.
c)    Must have been a Programme Officer of NSS for at least three years.
d)    Must have undergone NSS orientation in a TOC/TORC.
e)    Not more than 50 years of age at the time of selection as Coordinator.

Term/Tenure of the Programme Coordinator

The Programme Coordinator will be appointed on deputation/short term contract for the period of three years extendable by two year further.

No Programme Coordinator will be appointed on permanent basis.

Functions of the Programme Coordinators

a) To assist and guide the NSS Unit for implementation of NSS programmes at college level.
b) To help in organizing camps, training and orientation programmes for the NSS Programme Officers.
c) To visit the NSS Units for monitoring and evaluation.
d) To ensure timely release of grants to colleges.
f)  To submit the reports and returns to Programme Adviser, Regional Centre, State Liaison Officer.
g) To ensure selection of new Programme Officers as per guidelines and ensure their orientation within the stipulated period.
h) To submit half yearly reports and other information required to Government of India, Regional Centre and State NSS Officer on the prescribed proforma.
i)  To have liaison with Regional Centre, State Liaison Officer and TOC/TORC for the implementation of NSS programme.
j)  To bring out documents and reports on the achievements of NSS.

+2 Levels

During VII plan many State Governments approached the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, government of India for extension of National Service Scheme at +2 level also. Initially, NSS was introduced at +2 level in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, west Bengal and Goa (UT) on experimental basis. In course of time many other States have also introduced NSS at +2 level. The response of the NSS Volunteers at +2 level has been very encouraging. Approximately 1,20,000 volunteers have been enrolled in +2 by the end of the year 1992 – 93. At present, the following infrastructure has been established in the States for the implementation of NSS Programme.

NSS Cell at +2 Level

a) NSS Cell at +2 level will be established in the established in the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education/Secondary School Education to supervise and coordinate the NSS Programmes in the Schools covered under NSS at Higher/Senior Secondary school level. Students admitted into +2 i.e. 11th and 12th standards only are eligible to join NSS.

b) The Education Department/Director of Secondary education/school education/+2 Council will ensure that a full time programme coordinator is provided where the strength of NSS volunteers at +2 level is more than 10,000. However, a regular officer can serve as part time programme coordinator if the strength of NSS Volunteers is less than 10,000.

c)  If the strength of NSS volunteers crosses 15,000, another programme coordinator may be appointed to provide effective supervision, coordination and implementation of NSS Programme.

d) The Education Department/Directorate of Secondary Education/School Education/+2 Council will provide necessary infrastructure and other facilities, like Telephone, office accommodation, office equipment and secretarial assistance for the smooth function of the NSS Cell.

e)  The NSS Cell/Cells will function under the Director of Secondary Education/School Education/+2 Council. The programme coordinator will be in charge of the Cell.

f)   The NSS Advisory Committee will be constituted to advise and guide the programme coordinator.

Programme Co-ordinator

The Programme Coordinator is the key functionary as far as NSS in concerned. Only a dedicated and devoted Programme Coordinator with adequate experience in youth work can plan, execute and evaluate the NSS activities in the proper perspective.

The Programme Coordinator will execute all administrative and policy directives of the Government of India and the State Government, decisions of the State Advisory Committee, +2 Advisory Committee for the implementation of NSS programmes. The NSS programmes will be prepared in the light of the guidelines issued by the Government of India.

Selection of the Programme Coordinators

The selection of the programme coordinators at +2 level will be made by a duly constituted Selection Committee as per the following procedure:

  1. The vacancy of the post will be advertised in the local and national dailies.
  2. The suitable candidates will be interviewed by the committee. At least 5 persons will be short listed for interview.
  3. The candidate will be selected by the Committee constituted for this purpose.

Composition of the Selection Committee

The Selection Committee for the post of Programme Coordinator for +2 stage will consist of the following members:

  1. The Educational Secretary                            -        Chairperson
  2. NSS State Liaison Officer (SLO)                     -        Member
  3. Head of the concerned NSS Regional Centre   -        Member
  4. The Director of Secondary Education/

School Education/+2 Council                    -        Member

Qualification for the post of Programme Coordinator at +2 stage

  1. Principal of a Higher Secondary School not below the rank of District. Education Officer.

Or  Officer of the Education Department not below the rank of District. Educational Officer.

  1. Should have served as Programme Officer in a school or college at least for 3 years.
  2. Should have undergone NSS orientation in a TOC/TORC.
  3. Not more than 50 years of age at the time of selection as Programme Coordiantor.

Term/Tenure of the Programme Coordiantor

The programme Coordinator will be apoointed on deputation/short term contract for the period of 3 years initially. It may be extended for another year subject to satisfactory performance.

Functions of the Programme Coordinators

  1. To assist and guide the NSS Units for implementation of NSS Programmes at +2 level.
  2. To help in organizing camps, training and orientation programmes for the  NSS Group leaders and programme officers.
  3. To visit the NSS Units for monitoring and evaluation.
  4. To ensure implementation of NSS Regular Activities and Special Camping Programme.
  5. To ensure timely release of grants.
  6. To submit reports and returns to Programme Advisor, Regional Centre and State Liaison Cell.
  7. To select new Programme Officers as per guidelines and ensure their orientation within the stipulated period.
  8. To submit half yearly reports and other information required to government of India, Regional Centre, State Liaison Officer and TOC/TORC as desired by the Governement of India.
  9. To liaise with Regional Centre, State Liaison Officer and TOC/TORC for implementation of NSS programme.
  10. To bring out the publication and reports throwing light on the achievements.

Pattern of Expenditure at +2 level

  1. The Programme Co- ordinator may incur expenditure on NSS Cell as per
    pattern of financial expenditure sanctioned by the Government of India.
  2. The Programme Co-ordinator will get the budget approved by the NSS
    Advisory Committee.
  3. As the financial pattern of Expenditure falls in the category of
    Administrative and Policy directives, the +2 Cells are requested to adhere
    to it.

NSS Advisory Committee at +2 Stage

a) The Education Department of its wing for +2 Education will constitute an
NSS Advisory committee as stated in para No. I of chapter 6 of this part. The Advisory Committee will advise the Programme Coordinator in planning and developing NSS programmes and projects in the schools. It will also review the NSS activities undertaken during the past years. It will also ensure the allocation of NSS student strength and release of grants to the schools.

b) The Advisory Committee is an apex body for implementation of NSS at +2
level. The Programme Co-ordinator will approach the committee for the approval of NSS budget covering the NSS activities and establ;ishment expenditure on NSS Cell.

NSS MOTTO:- The motto of NSS is ‘NOT Me But You’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings.

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NSS LOGO :-The symbol of the NSS is based on the ‘Rath’ wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Orissa. These giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation, preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and space.

NSS DAY :- National Service Society was formally launched on 24th September, 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS Day with appropriate programmes & activities