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Action plan 2008-2009

Action plan 2008-2009

Orientation Programme

To get the NSS Volunteers acquainted with the philosophy, history, aims and objectives of NSS, 20 hours are dedicated to orientation programme through lectures, discussions, audio-visuals etc.

(a) Environment Enrichment Programmes

a) Plantation of trees, their preservation and upkeep (each NSS Unit should plant and protect at least 100 saplings in and around the campus and in the adopted places)
b) Creation of NSS parks/gardens, Vegetable gardens and Medicinal gardens.
c) Anti – plastic campaigns – eco friendly Bag making unit.
d) Fodder - cultivation programme.
e) Chlorination of village ponds and wells.
f) Vermi-compost project in each unit. Popularization and construction of Gobar Gas Plants-use of non-conventional energy.
g) Waste Management Programme – Land, Air & Water Pollution
h) Rainwater harvesting.
i) Kanikonna and Neem project in each campus.
j) Kera Keralam project – 10 coconut trees in each campus.
k) Smokeless choolas in Rural Houses.

(b) Health Awareness Programmes:

a) Anti – Drug Campaign.
b) First – Aid Training Programme
c) Paliative care Units
d) Blood – Donation Drive.
e) AIDS Awareness Programme.
f) Healthy Food Habits.
g) Healthy Life Style.

c) Educational Programmes

a) Legal Literacy programme
b) Equivalency Programme in association with State Literacy Mission
c) Computer Literacy programme in association with Akshaya Project.
d) Consumer Awareness Programme
e) Human Rights Awareness Programme
f) Career Guidance Programme
g) Traffic Awareness Programme.
h) Value Education Programme
i) Communicative Skill – Malayalam & English
j) Personality Development & Leadership Programme.
k) Stress Management Programme.
l) Effective Parenting.
m) Energy Conservation Programme.

d) Women Empowerment Programmes

a) Programmes of educating people and making them aware of women’s rights, both Constitutional and legal.
b) Creating consciousness among women that they too contribute to economic and social well being of the community.
c) Creating awareness among women that there is no occupation or vocation which is not open to them.
d) Imparting training to women in sewing, embroidery, knitting and other skills whereever possible.

e) Social Service Programmes

a) Two days in a Paliative Care Centre.
b) Work in institutions meant for physically and mentally handicapped.
c) Organising blood donation camps and eye-pledge programmes.
d) Work in Cheshire Homes, Orphanages, homes for the aged etc.
e) Work in welfare organisations of women.
f) Prevention of slums through social education and community action.
g) Programmes for making villages self sufficient.
h) Soap making units, Paper carrybag making unit, tailoring unit

f) Production Oriented Programmes

a) Working with people and explaining and teaching of improved agricultural practices.
b) Rodent control and pest control practices.
c) Weed control.
d) Soil testing, soil health care and soil conservation.
e) Assistance in repair of agricultural machinery.
f) Work for the promotion and strengthening of co-operative societies in villages.
g) Assistance and guidance in poultry farming, animal husbandry, care of animal health, etc.
h) Popularization of small savings and
i) Assistance in procuring bank loans.
j) Rehabilitation of Bamboo workers – By Sree Sankaracharya University, Kalady.
k) Volunteer exchange programme in Special Camps.
l) Regular activities in the adopted villages according to action plan.
m) Collaborative research on social issues.
n) Pooling of selected units activities in the University level adopted region.
o) Ten days special camps during Onam and Christmas Vacations.
p) Other State Level programmes
q) Healthy Youth for healthy India will be theme of this year too.
r) Besides this a separate theme will be adopted for the NSS activities in the Campuses : ‘Cleanliness through Homes’ – An Environmental Awarness Programme.
s) Water shed Management.
t) Tribal village development

g) Relief & Rehabilitation work during Natural calamities

a) Care and Share Project.
b) Disaster Management Programme - Assisting the authorities at the time of natural disasters and calamity.
c) Miss a Meal Project.
d) Palliative Care Programme.

Creation of Durable Assets

Home for the Homeless

Libraries in adopted places, hospitals, jails etc.

Construction of sanitary latrines.


Observation of Important Days

Sl.No. National days and Celebrations Days

1. National Youth Day 12th January
2. Republic Day 26th January
3. Martyr’s Day 30th January
4. International Women’s Day 8th March
5. World Health Day 7th April
6. Anti-Terrorism Day 21st May
7. World No Tobacco Day 31st May
8. World Environment Day 5th June
9. World Population Day 1st July
10. Independence Day 15th August
11. Sadhbhavana Day 20th August
12. International Literacy Day 8th September
13. International Peace Day 15th September
14. NSS Day 24th September
15. National Blood Donation Day 1st October
16. World Non-violence Day 2nd October
17. National Integration Day 19th November
18. World AIDS Day 1st December
19. World Human Rights Day 10th December


1. National Youth Week 12 – 19 January
2. Van Mahotsava Week 1 – 7 July
3. International Literacy Week 8 – 14 July
4. Quami Ekta Week 19 – 25 November


1. 'Cleanliness through Homes’, Environmental Awareness Programme- Kerala Pollution Control Board.
2. Legal Literacy Programmes in Colleges/Universities - Kerala State LegalServices Authority.
3. Data Bank on Higher Education facilities in Kerala - Kerala State HigherEducation Council.
4. Red Ribbon Club – Kerala State AIDS Control Society.
5. Anti – Drug Campaign – District Medical Officer /Mass Media Officer.
6. Energy Conservation Programme - Kerala State Electricity Board.
7. Nammude Maram Project – Forest Department.
8. Vegetable Garden – Agricultural Department.
9. Fodder cultivation Programme - Dept. of Animal Husbandry.
10. First Aid Training – District Medical Officer.
11.Palliative Care Unit - District Medical Officer / Panchayath / Municipalities / Corporations.
12. Equivalency Programme – Kerala State Literacy Mission.
13. Youth against Terrorism – Directorate of Youth Welfare.

NSS MOTTO:- The motto of NSS is ‘NOT Me But You’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings.

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NSS LOGO :-The symbol of the NSS is based on the ‘Rath’ wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Orissa. These giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation, preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and space.

NSS DAY :- National Service Society was formally launched on 24th September, 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS Day with appropriate programmes & activities