In our templates all wordings of both back-end and front-end are moved to separated language files, so you can easily translate them into any language you want.
Currently our templates support more then 10 languages and more to be come in future.
In our templates all wordings of both back-end and front-end are moved to separated language files, so you can easily translate them into any language you want.
Currently our templates support more then 10 languages and more to be come in future.
Dr. R. Bindu
Minister for Higher Education Chairperson (NSS Advisory Board) |
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Smt. Ishita Roy IAS
Principal Secretary ( Vice- Chairman ) |
Dr.Anzer R.N
State NSS Officer |
NSS MOTTO:- The motto of NSS is ‘NOT Me But You’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings.
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